7 Foods That Heal The Gut
1) Bone Broth
Bone broth is rich in minerals that support the immune system and contains healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline. The collagen in bone broth can heal your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation. This is our top pick for gut healthy foods.
2) Chlorella
Chlorella, single-celled fresh water algae, is a near-perfect food, with a wide range of health benefits. It promotes healthy pH levels in your gut, which helps good bacteria thrive. It's also great for detoxing mercury and other heavy metals. Chlorella is even rich in fiber, helping to tone the lining of your intestines and keep you "regular."
3) Coconut Oil

4) Apple Cider Vinegar

5) Grass-fed Ghee

Ghee is loaded with powerful gut supportive nutrients including a large amount of fat soluble vitamin A, D, E and K2. Ghee also has omega 3 fatty acids and a small chain fat called butyric acid that helps feed intestinal cells and reduces gut and whole body inflammation.Ghee is clarified butter in which all the lactose, casein and whey are removed and it is just the fat solids that remain. Many individuals with leaky gut have sensitivities to lactose, casein and whey. Ghee for these individuals is usually tolerated very well.
6) Gelatin / Collagen Protein

Gelatin and collagen are the main nutrients in bone broth and so they are rich in the key amino acids that help make up our joints, gut lining and skin. Using these products adds additional healthy protein to the diet and provides the key building blocks for these supportive structures in the body.These are also considered beauty foods because they help to strengthen the skin tissue, reducing skin damage and wrinkle formation. They help to improve complexion and reduce the effects of aging on the skin.By strengthening the gut lining, they reduce whole body inflammatory levels and improve digestive function, neurological health and thyroid function among other things. Always look for a grass-fed source of gelatin or collagen peptides.
7) Aloe Vera

5 Foods That Harm The Gut
1) Gluten
Gluten is the number one offender when it comes to leaky gut. High in lectins and can trigger the production of the biochemical zonulin (two of our GI tract's biggest adversaries). Gluten is the culprit for many digestive issues and many people see a huge boost in health simply by just cutting out this one food.
2) Processed Foods
Anything that comes out of a box is going to have added sugars, artificial ingredients, and preservatives. All of these have been shown to disrupt our guts micro biome and cause digestive issues. Do your best to always opt for nutritious whole foods and products that have been minimally processed.
3) Chlorinated Water
Much like processed foods, chlorine has a knack for killing off all the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Unfortunately, most of our tap water has been treated with chlorine and to prevent issues with our health we should always be filtering our water or harvesting wild water from a fresh unpolluted source. One thing we often overlook is the water that we cook with and wash our food with, it is just as important to make sure this water is filtered and free of chlorine otherwise it can still cause harm.
4) Genetically Modified Organisms
The same genetic modifications that keep crops free from pests also keep our bodies from being able to properly digest. We have a much harder time breaking down GMO foods and absorbing their nutrients. The Green Team always suggests to buy organic whenever possible and opt for Non-GMO when organic is not an option.
5) Sugar / Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar and artificial sweeteners can be the breeding ground for yeast overgrowth, candida, and all kinds of other harmful bacteria. The proliferation of these bad bacteria can cause food cravings, weight gain, trouble sleeping, fatigue, low body temperature, and a whole lot of other uncomfortable symptoms of poor gut health. Try curbing your sweet tooth with a natural sugar substitute like stevia or using a healthier alternatives like raw honey, maple syrup, or coconut nectar.