
The case for eating a live-foods, plant-based diet keeps getting stronger. Evidence is piling up that live foods not only help us look and feel better, but they also reverse our body 's disease process and reactivate our health-affirming, anti-aging genetic triggers.

What conventional wisdom said couldn't be done, is happening: Diabetes is being cured "not through a new miracle drug but through sound, life-supporting nutrition. In his paradigm-shifting book, There Is a Cure for Diabetes (published in January 2008), Dr. Gabriel Cousens makes a convincing argument that diabetes can be cured within days by changing one 's dietary habits.When people stop eating sugar, white flour, white rice, animal fats and over-processed foods and start giving their body what it needs "nutrient-rich, live, plant-based foods, the body naturally goes back into balance. Even diabetic complications can be reversed. Cousens, a holistic medical doctor and founder and director of the Tree of Life Foundation and Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, draws on substantial research and clinical trials to make his case. His book cites 530 references, most of which are primary sources.What is astonishing is that as far back as 1920 scientists knew about the dietary connection to diabetes. 

Dr. Max Gerson cured Albert Schweitzer of Type 2 diabetes with a live foods diet and published the results.Gerson 's experience has been replicated numerous times since then. Cousens has seen reversals first hand at his own center in Patagonia, Arizona - just a few hours south of us at

Over a period of 35 years I have seen a variety of people heal diabetes naturally with live foods and fasting, notes Cousens. We have the knowledge, clinical know-how and experience to completely reverse Type 2 diabetes. All that is needed is to let go of our belief that diabetes cannot be reversed. Type 1 diabetes is also ameliorated through a live foods diet. Supporting the body 's natural healing process through diet and lifestyle changes is not a new idea, but it is usually overlooked in mainstream society. 

That 's because we are living in a Culture of Death, says Cousens, where stressful messages of war and violence proliferate and degenerative diet and lifestyle conditions prevail.According to Cousens, The Culture of Death is based on predatory competition. It sees people not as beings with spirit and soul but as economic commodities "consumers for junk foods, refined carbohydrates, animal fats and trans fats and agrochemical-laden foods. Diabetes is one expression of living the Culture of Death, and this debilitating disease has reached pandemic numbers worldwide. In the United States alone, diabetes affects nearly 21 million people. 

Despite the myths we have been told and sold, we are not by genetic constitution Mars-Bar eaters, Super-Big-Gulp drinkers or Big-Mac snackers, nor do we suffer from a deficiency of these junk foods, says Cousens. For millions of years we have been physiologically, biochemically and genetically designed to eat a diet of organic living plant foods. A plant-source diet is the healthiest and most natural diet for human beings.We can recover our health and our connection to ourselves, our community and our planet by changing our eating habits. We can make a conscious, committed decision to be part of the Culture of Life that, according to Cousens, manifests as cooperation, health, harmony and compassion and is life affirming for both people and the planet, Only one question is left for the reader, says Cousens. 

Do you love yourself enough to want to heal yourself of diabetes? 

As the philosopher Seneca once said: It is part of the cure to wish to be cured.There Is a Cure for Diabetes lays out the three week program Cousens has successfully used to transform the negative genetic expression of diabetes to a physiology of health and well-being. According to Cousens, the program generally renders insulin and related medicines unnecessary within four days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels; and the diabetic shifts into a non-diabetic physiology within two weeks. The diabetic genes are simply turned off. We have a full memory of all our gene expression in our chromosomes; all we have to do is push the right dietary button to get a healthy expression, says Cousens. During the first week of the program, people go on a green-juice fast

During weeks two and three, they eat 100-percent organic, nutrient-dense plant-sourced live foods with anti-diabetic nutritional supplements. They also learn how to prepare delicious live food.There Is a Cure for Diabetes has an entire chapter on the Culture of Life cuisine, with nutritional information, menus and recipes. One fascinating section explains how to give a recipe a particular ethnic flavor through the use of herbs, spices and other signature ingredients.Other chapters discuss diabetic lifestyle habits and risk factors, nutritional supplements and how to maintain a Culture-of-Life way of eating and living. 

The idea of moderation doesn't work when leaving the Culture of Death. When one simply cuts down on poor choices rather than eliminating them, it is more difficult to succeed in changing one 's diet because there is a great temptation to revert to what has been a comfortable, socially supported habit. Cousens points out that other chronic illnesses, such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer 's disease, can also shift from eating a predominantly live-foods diet. Eating and living in a Culture of Life has far more than physical benefits, however; it also positively changes our emotions and brings us in touch with our spirit. It has an ascending effect on the higher levels of our being, says Cousens. 

If everyone ate a live-foods, plant-based diet, there would be enough food to feed seven times the number of people on the planet at current agricultural production levels. 

There Is a Cure for Diabetes is an eye-opening, practical, empowering and inspiring book. It shows people that their health is in their own hands and that many degenerative diseases can be prevented and cured. 

Other books by Dr. Cousens include Conscious Eating, Spiritual Nutrition, and my personal favorite, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine

Article written By Sylvia Somerville for Green Lifestyles Magazine. 

Enjoy the video we filmed of Dr. Cousens for our Visions of Paradise video series by visiting our YouTube Channel.

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