Immortal Velvet Silver
Elk antler velvet contains a powerful blend of growth factors in a naturally occurring matrix. These naturally occurring growth factors are involved in every cellular function in the human body, from metabolism to immune response. It provides a solution to the age-old quest for the fountain of youth, by giving us a naturally occurring concentration of anti-aging components that can turn back the hands of time. Clinical research shows that this proprietary IGF matrix supplement has a profound ability to produce more red blood cells that help deliver oxygen to your muscles therefore, dramatically aiding muscular endurance in addition to providing enhanced muscle and injury recovery.
Clinical research also shows the ability for this extract to produce more immune system aiding white blood cells. These are essential for aiding in the combat of free radical cellular development which are the main proponents of muscle degeneration and wasted work out sessions. Elk Antler Velvet is available in Platinum (1,500mg w/ Tribulus), Gold (1,000mg) & Silver (450mg).
At SurThrival, the Focus is on Adaptation and Regeneration!
That's why we've searched the globe for the most regenerative and adaptogenic substances available in nature. It didn't take us long to discover that many advanced cultures around the world felt that the Antler Velvet of cervid mammals like Elk, Deer, and Moose contain what may just be natures most complex matrix of regenerative substances found in any ecosystem! But for us, and for our community, this knowledge wasn't enough. We wanted to bring more than just the most potent deer Velvet Antler formula we could, but also the most vibrant, most ethical, and most local we could find!
Immortal Velvet feature elements:
Made exclusively from herds of free-range elk in the U.S.Humanely harvested, we never use 'cutting rooms", tourniquets, anesthetics, or tranquilizers on our elk. Concentrated 43:1 before extraction, yielding the highest potency extracted in organic grape ethanol for maximum quality and absorbabilityBottled in superior Violet Miron Glass for maximum freshness, stability and storabilityOur organic grape alcohol delivery system ensures that growth factors are optimally absorbed
Available in three strengths: Gold, Silver and Platinum with Tribulus. Same product, different concentrations Differentiation of Concentrations All of our Immortal Velvet products are based on our proprietary 43:1 extract. Through sublimation we are able to concentrate our raw velvet antler material 43 times. This means that 43 pounds of raw velvet antler tips are concentrated down to just one pound of our dried extract. One and a half grams of this 43:1 extract goes into our 1 oz. bottle of Immortal Velvet Platinum, 1 gram of our 43:1 extract goes into every bottle of Immortal Velvet Gold and nearly a half gram goes into each 1 oz. bottle of Immortal Velvet Silver. Another way to say this, is that our Immortal Velvet Platinum contains 1,500mg of our 43:1 Elk Antler Velvet extract, our Immortal Velvet Gold contains 1,000mg of our 43:1 Elk Antler Velvet extract and our Immortal Velvet Silver contains 450mg of our 43:1 extract of Elk Antler Velvet. Because of the different amounts of our 43:1 extract in each formula, the amount of IGF-1 per bottle differs as well. The Immortal Velvet Platinum has 50mg of Antler Velvet per dose and yields 150mcg of IGF-1 per bottle. Our Immortal Velvet Gold has 33-36mg of Antler Velvet per dose, which yields 100mcg of IGF-1 per bottle. The Immortal Velvet Silver has 14-16mg of Antler Velvet per dose and yields 45mcg of IGF-1 per bottle. Enter immortal velvet What we feel is the most concentrated Antler Formula to ever exist. Based on the "Russian Method", the extraction style developed during the extensive medical studies conducted on Velvet Antler and then taken a step further.
Not only do we work with free range, slaughter free Elk farms, where our strong animals live out healthy lives, but we harvest only the "living tips", the growing portion of velvet antler. Just compare the vibrant, living pink color of our product to the dull browns and greys of competitors and the quality of Immortal Velvet will be immediately apparent!
What do growth factors do?
Insulin-like Growth Factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2)
IGF-1 and IGF-2 increase lean body mass, reduce fat, build bone, muscle, and nerves while assisting in glucose metabolism. Research indicates that IGF-1 encourages the absorption of both chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate. Research also shows that a decline in IGF-1 levels is among the causes of bone disorder development. IGF-1 is considered by many scientists to be a marker in overall growth hormone status. IGF-1 looks and acts enough like insulin that your cell receptors may become suppressed, causing growth hormones to release stored fat. Through this mechanism, cells will use up fat rather than sugar or other carbohydrates. IGF-2 promotes tissue growth and is expressed primarily in embryonic and neonatal tissues.
Transforming Growth Factors A and B (TGF-A and TGF-B)
TGF-A promotes normal wound healing through a concerted effort with Epidermal Growth Factor and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF). Without TGF-A, wound healing would be nearly impossible. TFG-B has an anti-inflammatory response to cytokine production and mesenchymal (MHC) expression. This promotes wound healing in a concerted effort with tgf-a, egf and pdg while inhibiting both macrophage and lymphocyte proliferation. Without TGF-B, wound healing would also be nearly impossible and an important "feedback loop" for cytokine anti-inflammatory production would not be in place. It is important to note that for normal tissue development to occur, whether it occurs through wound healing or regeneration, tgf a & b must be in a natural matrix of co-factors.
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
EGF promotes healthy tissue development while impeding abnormal growth. Egf has also been shown to decrease gastric acid production. It promotes mesenchymal (lymphatic), glial (nerve), and epithelial (skin) cell proliferation.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Promotes venous, venule, artery, arteriole, and capillary health by providing the essential co-factors for repairing and restoring damaged vessels.
Neurotrophin Growth Factor (NGF)
Works synergistically with nerve growth factor to promote neurite and nerve survival and development.
fibroblast growth factor (fgf)
Contains at least 19 different types, of which their prominent role is in the development of skeletal and nervous systems in mammals. Fgf is also located in the central nervous system and in peripheral nerves, with less prominent effects including the regulation of both pituitary and ovarian cell function. Fgf induces formation of new blood vessels and is used to heal pressure sores and venous ulcers in skin graft donor sites.
Growth factors also include a unique family of cytokines. Cytokines stimulate the humoral and cellular immune responses, as well as the activation of phagocyte cells. Cytokines secreted from lymphocytes are called interleukins, of which the list grows continuously with the number of individual activities (now at 22). Dare to compare our elk antler velvet how does immortal velvet's growth factor matrix compare to hgh products? it contains no growth hormones. Hgh is released by the pituitary gland in your brain in response to hypothalamic pulses of growth hormone releasing hormone (ghrh). As the body ages it loses its natural ability to produce/release HGH. Hgh products cannot include hgh unless they are regulated by the fda and prescribed by a physician.most hgh products are stimulator/releasers (otherwise known as secretagogue) that will stimulate the pituitary to unnaturally produce hgh. This hgh should then cause the production of the sought after growth factors. These products are attempting to jump start the same pituitary gland that is already showing indications of burning out. Considering the importance of this master gland, it does not seem wise to over-stimulate this gland. Immortal velvet is the safe and all-natural alternative that includes a full matrix of growth factors as well as igf-1 in their final form (metabolite).igf-1 isolatesimmortal velvet is not isolated igf-1. It is a natural concentrated portion of the proteins that contain the growth factors found in velvet antler. The risks related to IGF-1 are largely attributed to the body having a disproportionate amount of available IGF-1. Immortal velvet provides a matrix of growth factors (including igf-1), as they are found in nature, in their proper balance. This natural balance helps keep IGF-1, as an isolate, in its safe ratio.
Immortal Velvet Platinum w/ tribulus
Immortal Velvet Platinum w/ tribulus is without question the absolute strongest deer antler velvet extract we have ever seen. At 1500mg of our 43:1 "Living Tips" Velvet Elk Antler extract per bottle, it is now 50% more concentrated than Immortal Velvet Gold, the product that set the new standard for Velvet Antler potency. Additionally, our Platinum formula is made with Tribulus, whose saponins support healthy sex hormone production. This formula was also designed with your body's internal antioxidant pathways in mind. This synergistic combination of Elk Antler Velvet and Tribulus supports the healthy production of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione within the body. These are the body's master antioxidants, and are critical for genetic repair and system wide detoxification.Tribulus TerrestrisThe super-herb known as Tribulus is reputed for its beneficial effects on Luteinizing Hormone (LH) supporting healthy levels of your body's own natural sex hormones. Immortal Velvet Platinum is perfect for both men and women, people in andropause /menopause, people into athletics or just weekend warriors. Velvet Antler has been safely used throughout history by people of all ages and at all stages of life for maintaining and nurturing healthy energy levels and natural regeneration. Each dose delivers 50mg of Bulgarian Tribulus standardized to 60% steroidal saponins and 20% protodioscin.This is truly our connoisseur grade Elk Antler product, and a must have for those who are seeking the finest products the planet has to offer.Immortal Velvet Platinum is made exclusively with Organic Grape Alcohol and is always bottled in Miron Violet Glass for maximum shelf-life and potency. Our Velvet Antler is sourced from US free-range ranches, and are humanely harvested from slaughter-free facilities.
All surthrival formulations are produced in gmp certified facilities within the united states.