Your Beloved Bladder
What would life be without your bladder? Without realizing it, you count on your bladder to function well daily. Although you use your bladder multiple times throughout the day, are you supporting your optimal bladder health? Your bladder releases urine through your urethra and can stretch to as long as six inches when filled with urine. In addition to keeping excess fluid out of your body, your bladder also rids your body of waste and unnecessary substances in your body.
As people get older, the bladder function can change. In addition to supporting your bladder with key nutrients, such as Quantum Bladder Support,* please consider the following to help keep your bladder healthy:
Drink enough purified water daily. Drinking purified water is an excellent fluid for bladder health. Try to drink ½ to 1 ounce of water for each pound you weigh every day. If you eat a lot of raw foods (which naturally contain higher amounts of water), you may need to consume less water.
Limit caffeine drinks. Cutting down on caffeinated foods and drinks — such as coffee and most sodas — is a good plan.
Stop smoking. If you currently smoke, please consider taking action to quit. You will be glad you did.
Stay at a healthy weight. Make it your goal to focus on healthy food choices to keep a consistently healthy weight.
Get the lead out.Simple exercises such as walking 30 minutes a day help increase blood circulation to help you maintain a healthy weight.
Don’t “hold” it. Don’t hold your urine in your bladder for a long time after you get the urge to go. When you need to use the bathroom, please do so. Typical urinations are about every 3 to 4 hours during the day.
Women’s Habits: Women should wipe from front to back after urination to help avoid bacteria from entering into the urethra.
Wear clean underwear. An obvious but important factor to help maintain good bladder health.
Top-Tier Bladder Nutritional Support
Quantum Bladder Support features two incredible botanical blends that offer optimal nutritional support for the bladder, including the urinary tract.* Bladder Multi-BlendTM offers organic cranberry (fruit), hydrangea root, organic blueberry, organic parsley, and organic chlorella (whole; broken cell wall) to provide a wide range of vitamin and mineral support for the bladder and urinary tract.* Pro-CleanseTM features organic rice fiber, organic alfalfa, organic marshmallow, and organic olive leaf to round out this stellar formula and provide botanical nutrients for optimal nutritional support.*